Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Case for Open Stormwater Systems (Part II): Augustenborg, Malmö

The open stormwater system at Augustenborg (Eco-City), Malmö differs greatly from that at the Western Harbour because the strategy was applied to an existing neighborhood, as opposed to a new development. The area suffered flooding, as well high tenancy turnover. The neighborhood was run down, and the buildings (ubiquitous 1950's housing seen all over Sweden) were suffering. The Eco-City project began in 1998, and included re-routing all stormwater to open systems, the creation of flood reservoirs which allow for controlled flooding during rainy periods, and the addition of green roofs.

Since then, over 6 km of canals have been built, and at least 70% of stormwater is dealt with on-site. Additional benefits to the neighborhood include better outdoor spaces, longer tenancies, and an economically diverse neighborhood that is desirable yet affordable.

The components of this project are less flashy than the Western Harbour model, but at least as effective:

Here is a shallow stormwater canal that drains to a flood reservoir. The raised bumps in the concrete canal serve as a primary filtration system that prevents leaves from clogging the system.

One of the deeper branches of the system comes equipped with overflow holes that dump water into side swales in the event of extreme rainfall.

Detail of the 'leaf filtration' system at work.

Reservoirs become public gathering space for the neighborhood, as well as providing habitat for a variety of water fowl.

Permeable pavers in desginated parking areas.

This is the one part I can't figure out. There were many of these concrete boxes embedded in the ground, each with a thin green roof layer on top, complete with drainage mesh, etc... I think they might be small test plots for collecting info on green roof systems?

Accessory building, either recycling station or bike storage, complete with green roof.

For more information about stormwater systems in Malmö, click here.

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